It was a beautiful spring day and we went out for a bike ride and a lot people I don't know, smiled and waved from their porches or from their cars as they drove by. A lot of neighbors were outside their houses talking across fences to their other neighbors. I saw a group of about five, 30 somethings who had exercise equipment out on their driveway and were doing CrossFit training. A lot of neighbors were out walking their dogs and riding their bikes and they seemed to be making an extra effort to call out "hellos" to anyone in sight.
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
Have you Witnessed a Change in People's Life-Style / Behaviour where you Live?
by smiddy3 ini certainly have , over the normal week i go to one of two clubs where i have two beers over a couple of hours ( i pace myself ) and catch up with a few friends .
one of the clubs every hour goes around to disinfect everywhere people make contact with pokies /machines or whatever we might touch.and they also now have limits as to how many can be in a certain area at any one time.and that applies to both clubs ,except one does not disinfect every hour.. today, their were far fewer people in this particular club that i attended that is usually bustling with patrons on a saturday either drinking gambling and socializing .not today.
and a strict rule of how many could be in a certain area at any one time .. and i agree with all of this , its necessary .and i will be monitoring my own activities as need be.. what have you noticed in your neck of the woods.?
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
Pete Zahut
They say a picture is worth a thousand infections er, I mean words.
Can You Believe This Insanity From Lett!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara incan you believe this gibberish coming out of their mouths now; specifically from the clown-horse's own mouth :.
"things unfolding around us are making clear that ...(wait for it).."we are living in the final part of the last days, undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days,shortly before the last day of the last days"!!!!!!!!!!!!.
i wonder what part of the final part of the final part of the finalpart...(on a recurring loop), you get the idea!.
Pete Zahut
"we are living in the final part of the last days, undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days, shortly before the last day of the last days"
But wait !!! Make a donation before midnight tonight and you'll receive a set of Ginsu knives. Hurry folks...these
promisesprices won't last ! -
2020 Memorial - No Need To Actually Have The Emblems
by pale.emperor inover at jw talk they're saying because they're having to hold the upcoming memorial at home, they dont need to actually have the emblems.
apparently, listening to or watching the talk is the thing that counts.. "do this in rememberence of me" apparently means watching tony morris on your phone give a talk.. this begs the question... "what's the point?
Pete Zahut
A few days before my Mom died of Cancer at 57 it was very important for them to bring the emblems to her even though she wouldn't even be partaking of them. They had her sit up in bed and they handed her each of the emblems and she had to hand them back to them one by one. It was important for her to physically touch them. If this post is correct, it seems it might not have been necessary for them to have been there at all. I'm guessing this is just a rumor.
Can You Believe This Insanity From Lett!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara incan you believe this gibberish coming out of their mouths now; specifically from the clown-horse's own mouth :.
"things unfolding around us are making clear that ...(wait for it).."we are living in the final part of the last days, undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days,shortly before the last day of the last days"!!!!!!!!!!!!.
i wonder what part of the final part of the final part of the finalpart...(on a recurring loop), you get the idea!.
Pete Zahut
Anointed if they get virus will straight go to heaven and Armageddon will strike immediately and we will all die
...and when they get there, the angels will be wearing N95 face masks and latex gloves.
Can You Believe This Insanity From Lett!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara incan you believe this gibberish coming out of their mouths now; specifically from the clown-horse's own mouth :.
"things unfolding around us are making clear that ...(wait for it).."we are living in the final part of the last days, undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days,shortly before the last day of the last days"!!!!!!!!!!!!.
i wonder what part of the final part of the final part of the finalpart...(on a recurring loop), you get the idea!.
The zoom app
by Fadeaway1962 inthere going to start using the zoom app for the meeting ,got to go a help my aged parents to set it up.. i'm not very good at the technical stuff is there any way of hiding your self on the app or is this a way of them checking to see who's listening to the meetings.. thought fading would have been easier during this virus.. thanks.
Pete Zahut
You can bet there'll be those older ones who don't realize they are on camera and will tune in with their hair standing on end wearing only their bathrobe (or less) LOL!
I wonder if only those who wear a tie will be allowed to be seen on cam?
23 coronavirus response - The Four Horsemen
by Badfish inhave you guys seen today?
the main article is entitled “the four horsemen of revelation.”.
looks like the pale rider has arrived..... .
Pete Zahut
She was absolutely giddy about, "this is it. You better get back to the organization."
It's hard to resist asking them what they'll have to say about all of this, in a year from now.
After the hype of the International assembly in 2014 I remember my Brother making a post about how "we are living in MOMENTOUS times brothers and sisters"
Momentous (a real JW buzzword if ever there was one) : Of great importance or significance, especially in its bearing on the future.
I reminded him of that 6 year old post when he began talking about this current situation as being a sign of the end and asked him what he's going to think in another 6 years when he looks back on the year 2020.
***que the crickets***
Rumor of Religion wanting to contact Inactives
by LongHairGal ini saw a post on reddit from somebody claiming to be an elder that the jw religion wants to contact all inactives.. some of the responses indicate that some were contacted or had close friends or relatives being asked for their contact information.
some of these people have been out of the jw religion for many years and have moved on.
the ones contacted said the jw informed them about cancelled meetings (as though they would care).
Pete Zahut
If this is true, I doubt we'll be contacted.
I'm a former Bethelite and my wife and I are 3 generation JW's. We were regular attenders and publishers in good standing at our Hall for 25+ years and we raised our (easy to raise) boys there. Our last meeting was Memorial 2008. Even though we lived in the same house and had the same phone numbers and email addresses it took them 3 years to come looking for us after we walked away.
The Circuit Overseer and an Elder friend of mine showed up one rainy Saturday morning. I invited them in and after a bit of friendly chit-chat the C.O. said, " I understand you folks haven't been attending meetings lately".
I said " Lately?? I haven't been inside a K.H. in over 3 years. The last time was Memorial 2008 and this is the first time anyone has tried to contact us".
He shot a look at the Elder as if to say "How could you have let this happen and why wasn't I told about it?"
Nevertheless, that was 9 years ago and no one has ever followed up on us. Not so much as a phone call or note on the door.
At this point, I figure that if there is a God and he has something good in store for mankind, there's no reason we shouldn't be a part of it. If he was the kind of God who would condemn me to everlasting death, the same as the likes of evil people such as Hitler and Ted Bundt etc , then maybe I don't really want to be here.
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
Pete Zahut
Nope. Just like most everyone else. The good times were never gonna end.
That's the one good thing I came away with as a former JW. You were always ready for the next shoe to drop and were prepared for things to go from bad to worse. This gave some JW's the attitude that saving for the future didn't matter since it was all going to end. For me, it made me want to be prepared for the hard times that came, before the end actually came.